NirvanaFitness® MusicApp app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: FGI d.o.o.
First release : 20 Dec 2016
App size: 94.25 Mb
NirvanaFitness® is a system that will teach you how to breathe correctly through a series of functional toning pilates/yoga exercises, leading you to a slower and deeper daily breathing pattern (diaphragmatic with prolonged exhalation) that will replace shallow "default” breathing.
Over 80 % of people are breathing wrong and are under stress. This is one of the leading causes for many modern health problems, since sufficient oxygenation is vital for our survival.
NirvanaFitness® progressively lowers breathing rhythm from start to finish going from 12 breaths/min to a mere 4 breaths/min in the last Nirvana workout section. This increasingly employs the relax centers in your nervous system and efficiently slows and calms all the body systems, creating potential for regeneration through decreasing metabolic rate at all levels.
We want to inspire you ... to join us on a mission to raise the awareness and the importance of healthy & conscious breathing and the profound influence it can have on our lives.
Download the NirvanaFitness® MusicApp and start living a better life right now.